Drops of Awareness

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Archive for the tag “memory”

We Already Have Perfect Memory

memory2So often I hear people say .. and often write “I am losing my memory!”

Or, “I can’t find my keys! See … I told you I’m losing my memory!”

Or, “what did I come into this room to get? I must be losing my memory.”

Your ability to remember WILL be diminished … if you BELIEVE IT! And the more you THINK it, SAY it, and WRITE it, the more you will believe it.

What we BELIEVE … we GET. Simple as that!

Whether we believe we are losing our memory … or that we have PERFECT MEMORY … both are correct and available to us. Either can be embedded as belief by our REPEATING our thoughts consistently in intervals over time.

What to do to improve memory? Well it is already perfect! You just don’t BELIEVE it yet!

  • Every time you ‘catch’ yourself saying any of the items above (or derivatives), SAY or WRITE the opposite! In the beginning it will ‘feel’ inauthentic and it IS a lie at that time. The phenomenon is tied up in the Law of Polarity … every up has a down; dark and light; inside and outside. And so it is with our beliefs. We can choose to believe we are forgetful … OR … we can choose to believe we have a perfect memory!

There are those who go way beyond perfection in memory! You might enjoy this book by Jerry Lucas and Harry Lorayne “The Memory Book” which is not read from beginning to end like most books, but allows the reader to select what they wish to remember … better!

And Jim Kwik of Kwik Learning works with improving memory along with speed reading and brain performance. He is the consummate industry expert! I watched him teach 400 people to count to ten in Japanese in 3 minutes! While I have a perfect memory (and I occasionally forget 😉 I am registered and learning with Jim Kwik and his programs.

Unfortunately, societal programming starting at a very early age, along with passed on beliefs of our parents and family, has almost everyone walking around

  1. having no idea we have a choice, and 
  2. having no idea HOW to make the change in what we believe.

Once you know you can make a choice in what you believe about your memory (and everything else), just practice the bullet point above! Do it with consistency and get excited about how it will be for you when you are remembering things like a pro!

Before long you will be saying my memory is perfect … and so it will be … and so it IS!


illust by hyoin min 민효인(a.k.a nyoin) www.nyo-in.com/

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